
(Peruvian) Walter Wust. COCINA PERUANA: Nuestro sabor para el mundo/ Peruvian Cuisine: Our flavor to the world
$ 23.23

(Pastry) Roland Bilheux and Alain Escoffier. Petits Fours, Chocolate, Frozen Desserts, and Sugar Work
$ 84.07

Joï: Baking and Photographing Northern European Pastry (Joanna Struiksma-Facey, Cyntia Apps)
$ 44.17

Living Ayurveda: Nourishing Body and Mind through Seasonal Recipes, Rituals, and Yoga (Claire Ragozzino)
$ 31.22

The Incredible Secrets of Mustard: The Quintessential Guide to the History, Lore, Varieties, and Benefits (Marie Nadine Antol)
$ 33.85

A Feast of Fruits: More Than 340 Mouth-Watering Recipes for Everything from Apple Chutney to Orange Zabaglione (Elizabeth Riely)
$ 46.62

Made In California: The California-Born Diners, Burger Joints, Restaurants & Fast Food that Changed America (George Geary)
$ 17.88

The Cocktail Lab: Unraveling the Mysteries of Flavor and Aroma in Drink, with Recipes (Tony Conigliaro)
$ 14.78

(Food History) Christian Guy. An Illustrated History Of French Cuisine: From Charlemagne To Charles De Gaulle
$ 9.91